Before I tell you about today’s latest challenge, I want to wish my Baby a Happy 21st Birthday! I love Jess I hope you have a wonderful day b/c you so deserve it!

Now on to Wacky Wednesday!
Over at our PCP and CDAC groups and we WANT YOU to come join us!!
Last week we had a terrific color challenge and some AMAZING projects.
You wanna join us this week and see you name in Bugaboo Lights?!
It's SUPER easy!! Pop on over to our PCP and CDAC group, TAKE on the recipe challenge and YOU could find your name in Bugaboo Pink & Green next week!
The best part? If you win - you get to pick 5 Bugaboo digis of YOUR Choice!
The only problem if you win? Picking your 5 FAVORITE!!
The theme this week is a photo inspiration and below is my project.

Here is my card using some paper from my stash I matted it on plum and deep green then added some ribbon to finish it off!